Search results

  1. Idot

    Denied Gaming's Second Application

    +1 very very good person... I cant wait to see you on the staff team gaming... THE TELEPHONE MEN WILL GET THE RDMERS FOREVER OUT OF THE SERVER!
  2. Idot

    Update Cultist

    +1 this would make me further run away from cultists like I already do XD
  3. Idot

    What brought you to Gmod?

    I bought gmod a longggggg time ago, because I was watching Vanos and his friends play it haha never really got into it until now though!
  4. Idot

    Denied Meglo staff application

    -1 too many warnings
  5. Idot

    Genetic Researcher Job Role

    +1 this seems very neat, would be pretty cool to play as and this could add some more opportunities for those that like to play the medic job.
  6. Idot

    Accepted Moderator Application

    +1 Although I've never really seen you nor talked to you. Your application was pretty nice and well written. You seem like a cool guy!
  7. Idot

    Casino Boat.

    -1 I was last taken here against my will to where I was forced to play the casino games, I told my captor's id call the police but then.. Beta starting evil laughing.. explaining to me.. the mayor was on his side, and when I didn't believe him I looked over and the mayor was gambling at one of...
  8. Idot

    I read your staff application

    I read your staff application
  9. Idot

    Accepted Echo's staff app

    +1 very cool person pretty fun to play with. Although you showed me salad fingers.
  10. Idot

    Favorite movie?

    Never seen it before! Ill have to look at it!
  11. Idot

    Favorite movie?

    Oh! uhh.... I knew that.. uh... yeah...
  12. Idot

    Favorite movie?

    Whats that one about?
  13. Idot

    Favorite movie?

    Just because you said that im gonna watch both of them on a 10 hour loop
  14. Idot

    SWAT Officer, FBI Agent, SWAT Commander, PD Commander require certain amount of playtime in order to play.

    This would be cool, on Arma 3 life rp, they had it to where if you wanted to be a part of the police force you had to put in an application and you had to follow rules as an officer and whatnot. You were limited to what you could do as a Cadet officer such as you could only stay at the prison...
  15. Idot

    Favorite movie?

    I havent seen either of those :oops: Ive heard that they were really good though!
  16. Idot

    Favorite movie?

    Yeah same here, itd take me forever to list all the ones hahaha
  17. Idot

    Accepted Idots Staff Application

    Your In-Game Name: ☏ | Idot Steam Name: ☏ | Idot Link to your Public Steam Profile: : Your age (we only accept staff 15 and older): 18 Your discord name/tag: Idot#0756 Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP...
  18. Idot

    What games do you play?

    Uno and monopoly are suuuuper fun games, Ive never played any of the border lands games but! I've always heard that they are good games!
  19. Idot

    What games do you play?

    I like rocket league, I suck at it though hahaha, is destiny 2 fun?
  20. Idot

    Favorite movie?

    So there have been a few movies I've watched, and I've felt iffy or thought it was pretty good. Just wanna know what movies people have seen and what are their favorites. I've got a BUNCH of favorites haha lmk if you've seen any of these. - we were soldiers - Signs - Wyatt Earp - Brave Heart -...