A quieter thief, be it with its limits.


Active Member
Mar 17, 2021
Job Title: Stealthy Thief

Job Salary: 50$per/h

Job Limit: 2

Category Affiliation: Supporter

Job Description: Alongside the Atomic Thief, you've mastered your skills as a thief, breaking into various homes across AtomicRP. However, you've been specialized to do it quietly. Use your tools to silently ambush your victims.

Adds Permanent Law to law boards (if applicable):

Job Rules: Can raid, Can mug, Can own printers/base

Job Purpose: Make a thief that is alot quieter

Weapons/Tools: Supporter Silent Lockpick (reduces noise of lockpick by 70%), Supporter Silent Keypad Cracker (reduces noise of cracker by 90%) MP9 (found in M9K SMGs), Printer bag

Model (Workshop link with size of model): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2501415865 ~16mb

Link To Addon (if applicable):