AquaticLemon General Suggestion - Add more guns that aren’t stupid broken


Active Member
Mar 25, 2022

Suggestion Name Add more guns that aren’t stupid broken

What's Being Added/Removed/Changed Some weapons that are fun and new we have hd old weapons for ever now

Why It Should Be Added/Removed/Changed Beacuse don’t u ever get bored seeing all the same weapons u should add in a few more weapons like more shotguns or pistols

Links to Addons there are some shot guns we don’t have in this pack same here for pistols some we don’t have I recommend the surpressed pistols for like hitmen
add a job that sells weapons for cheap but they do low damage (like the hl2 or hl:source weapons)
-1 do the opposite

cod ray gun? mounted LMG that i can strap to my base?

that sounds cooler.
Suggestion Denied
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