Change City worker model from Bob The Builder to Handy Manny

totally not bruce wayne

Mod on Atomic Dark RP
Mar 8, 2022
We begin our story at December 2021, when a previous user made a suggestion about dorito bags previously being sweet chilli rather than nacho cheese. That required one thing: Change. We as a nation need the same change from that suggestion to impact the HORROR of the irrelevance of Bob the builder to fixing things. Bob the Builder is a BUILDER not a handy man. Handy Manny not only is a more accurate model, it’s also a better show. Handy Manny was created 09/16/06 and was the greatest show broadcasted on disney/disney jr. Think carefully since this is the most important and impactful suggestion you have ever witnessed.

-1 Fuck you and your Handy manny, Bob is the chad and if you can't recognize that there is something wrong with you.​

But -1 beacuse who didn’t like to see bob run around the town hitting things and people with his wrentch love y’a Brucey but sorry
Suggestion Denied
There is no basis for this change.
Thanks for making a suggestion <3​