Looking for Players Chill Vibing Murder Gang has Open Slots!


Phoenix Admin On Atomic DarkRP
Oct 20, 2021
The Chill Vibing Murder Gang is a gang mostly about hanging out with other members and actively participating in both basing and raiding.

Pros for joining include free 150hp health on spawning in. Priority access to basing with me when I'm basing which include some heavily strong bases with lots of room. Raiding with the gang for some fun time and an overall chill environment to hang around.

Cons for Joining include being forced to love the 80's japanesse aesthetic gang pfp. Any disrespect can lead to removal from the gang.

Requirements for joining the gang- You'll need to be active and around when first joining shown by basing with gang members or raiding with them to get experience. To get accepted send a message to me on discord StygianPhoenix#9870 with your playtime, why you should be let in and if applicable peeps you know in the gang. You also have to agree never to inside the base or be subject to being blacklisted from basing with me and put on a list for everyone to see you inside bases.

Current Gang list:
DarkPhoenix - Owner
Kyothekitty - Founding Leader
Exec - Founding Leader
Sister - A great member who was around shortly after creation. Helped finish gang health.
Rocket Monkey- A maniac raider who is a dope person.
TMBrokenRecord - Outstanding member who helped a lot get the gang health done.
BlakeChanderu - Good t mod moment mod and good friend.
Biggus Dikkus- Only raid with him if you are prepared to be a "Biggus Dikkus" Yourself. You'll be demolishing any printers in a base including one prints. Dope peep though own's pd's closet no cap.
Wolf the Beta- Solid member of the group. Is a furry though.
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They seem cool I would recommend joining them ( tho I’ve never been in the gang I just know the people in there are cool )
I still have open slots and would love to see active members when I'm online. Playtime isn't necessarily the biggest thing I look for fyi simply basing or raiding with me will be a big factor.