Denied Don't rush Staff Application

Don't rush

Jun 1, 2024
Username: Don't rush

◈ Your In-Game Name: Don't rush

Link to your Public Steam Profile:

Your Age: 15

Your Discord Tag: _garfieldslasagna

Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP? Yes

Have you ever been warned or banned on any Atomic Networks servers? Yes

Please detail all of your warns and bans. I have been warned numerous amount of times on this sever. For example, I have been warned for RDM, Wrongful basing, and other lower strikes as well. But, I think I can for sure make a great impact on the sever by staffing and helping people make good decisions. Also, I am most certain that I can make the game more fun by interacting with players in the sever,

How much playtime do you have on the server? 1 day and 9 hours

Have you read up on our rules fully? Yes

Have you read up on the (DRP) Staff Information section of the forums? Yes

Do you have a microphone and use it on a consistent basis? Yes

Do you have any prior experience staffing on other Garry's Mod servers within the past 4 years? No

Have you previously staffed on AtomicRP? No

What is your time zone? UTC -4

What time of the day (for you) are you usually on? Usually midnight sometimes daytimes

Why do you want to be a part of the AtomicRP Staff Team? I am very eager to join the AtomicRP Staff Team. I am extremely passionate about fostering a vibrant and engaging community. Know thanks to your guidelines understanding of AtomicRP’s unique environment, I believe I can significantly maintain and enhance the quality of player intentions. My commitment to fair play and resolution a perfect for the sever. I am driven by a desire to support new players, helping them further into the community while ensuring that all players know the server's guidelines. Joining the AtomicRP Staff Team would allow me to apply my skills in moderation, getting to know people, and knowing how Garry's Mod community truly flourish's.

Why should you be accepted onto the AtomicRP Staff Team? I should be accepted onto the AtomicRP Staff Team because I am dedicated and passionate about building a strong community. I now know the server's rules and my communication skills help me handle disputes fairly and effectively. I am calm under pressure, a good problem-solver, and quick at making decisions.

Optional: Include any other information about yourself that you'd like the community and the management team to know about you.
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+1 I really liked this app only concern is you warns and play time but I hope to see you get a interview.
Accepted for Interview
Reach out to mr_moneyman. on Discord within 3 days to schedule your interview.
Note: Failure to schedule your interview within 3 days will result in your application being denied.

For more information on what to do to prepare for your interview, we recommend checking out this post.
Requirements To Staff and expectations of a staff member
Application Denied
Based on your interview, We have decided not to proceed futher.
We appreciate your interest in staffing. You may reapply for an Atomic Networks Staff Position in 2 weeks.

Please contact management on Discord for any further questions.​