Accepted FatFeller69 Refund Request from Nov 24, 2022


Nov 15, 2022
Username: FatFeller69

In-Game Name ♛ FatFeller69

SteamID/SteamID64 76561198404075315

Discord fentconsumer69#9210

Date of Item Loss Nov 24, 2022

Time of Item Loss 1:15pm-1:30pm Central Time

What happened? I had 6 printers inside a base that i bought a few minutes before, but a terroist planted a bomb near it and caused the printers to lose all HP.

What server did you lose your items on? DarkRp 1

What do you need refunded? 6 maxxed printers up to the vip+ printer with printer rack

Please put any evidence to substantiate your claim here. fredparry7 Orteille was terrorist around the time it happened. If you check logs around the time I listed, I was killed in the terrorist explosion alongside xem and Bradislov. xem also lost his props for meth making so he talked to an admin about it and he told me to make an refund request.
I handled this sit in game. They had a base next to the fountain and had their items destroyed from the outside by a terrorist. His other party member made the report so this guy was never brought into the sit room to discuss it/receive any compensation. fredparry paid the other person back with a few vapes and some EMPs, so I returned both players.
