Denied Gonzospawn Refund Request from Apr 22, 2023


New Member
Apr 22, 2023
Username: Gonzospawn

In-Game Name ♛ Gonzospawn


Discord Gonzospawn#9334

Date of Item Loss Apr 22, 2023

Time of Item Loss 12:00

What happened? My money all $6,851,073 of it is gone for some reason. I am very sad that I lost all of mes moneys. Please help bring it back it will fix me brokey hart.

What server did you lose your items on? AtomicRP 1

What do you need refunded? My $6,851,073

Please put any evidence to substantiate your claim here. BEFORE:
Refund request Denied
Refund Rules
> We can only give you money, and weapons/sweps lost during an event. (No exceptions!)
> We only refund in instances where the server directly crashed and you lost items as a result of that server crash.
- The only exception to this rule is in the case where a staff member directly told you that you can make a refund request following a sit
that resulted in you losing money/items. (this staff member must be present on your refund request to validate that claim)

> You must show good proof that your items were lost. Witnesses do not count as proof, you must either be able to show video evidence of a crash incident happening with before and after shots showing us the items you lost, or you must be able to provide the same thing with screenshots and timestamps backed up through in game chat and crash logs.

You did not really provide Good enough evidence for this to be accepted. I even went through logs myself to find where the money may have went missing and I could not find anything.