Accepted HipKhan614 Refund Request from Aug 17, 2022


New Member
Aug 19, 2022
Username: HipKhan614

In-Game Name ♛ HipKhan614

SteamID/SteamID64 HipKhan614

Discord HipKhan614#7127

Date of Item Loss Aug 17, 2022

Time of Item Loss 9pm DMT

What happened? I was in my base and someone named nicest guy in town broke NLR and destroyed both my max oneprints I talked to milkgod and he said to make a request and milkgod has all the evidence.

What do you need refunded? 2 maxed oneprint printers so about 500K

Please put any evidence to substantiate your claim here. milkgod said to put him as evedince since he has all the evidence.
Refund Request Accepted
You will be refunded $477,000. Please contact an Smod+ ingame and show them this post to receive your refund.
For any further questions regarding your refund request, please contact management at