Denied Hippocent Refund Request from Dec 3, 2022


New Member
Dec 3, 2022
Username: Hippocent

In-Game Name ♛ Hippocent

SteamID/SteamID64 76561198075622499

Discord I don't have one

Date of Item Loss Dec 3, 2022

Time of Item Loss 2:36am EST

What happened? I was sitting there making fireworks and my game just randomly starts lagging really hard for no reason so I took a picture of my fireworks because I was worried my computer froze but it didn't the garry's mod application closed out, out of nowhere and I lost all of my fireworks.

PS: Look at both of these pictures with a mobile device, I only say this because on my computer screen I cannot see the number '720' where the fireworks icon is but when I look from my mobile phone I can see it. There is a picture of just when I had the 720 fireworks and there is a picture with the time that I took the photo with 2:36 am EST.

What server did you lose your items on? Atomic DarkRP 1

What do you need refunded? 720 fireworks, I was waiting for a firework buyer to be at least 11,000 before I sold otherwise I would've sold them sooner.

Please put any evidence to substantiate your claim here.
IMG_7447.jpg - link of footage of me farming for 1/4 hours I have 3 more videos just like this one if it'll help this video just took about 2hrs to upload to YT so I didn't upload all 4.
Refund Request Denied
We unfortunately, do not cover losses among the scope of player-side crashes, disconnections, or accidents.
if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to any member of the upper staff team for further clarification.​