Don't want to read a guide? Watch the video below for a rundown!
Step 1: Enable Developer Console
> Go to Settings
> Go to the Keyboard Tab
> Scroll down to an option called Enable Developer Console
> Bind "Toggle Developer Console" to the key of your choice (I prefer to use the ` in the top left of my keyboard)
Step 2: Create a Bind
There are many binds you can make, here are some more useful binds that I would recommend setting up to improve your experience both on AtomicRP and on other DarkRP servers. For a list of keys that you can put in the "<put key here>" part, check the list below.
Text Binds
> bind "<put key here>" "say /advert Mug Drop 10k or Die in 10 seconds."
> bind "<put key here>" "say /advert Party Raid"
> bind "<put key here>" "say /advert Counter"
> bind "<put key here>" "say /advert Warn 1/2/3" (Remember when using this one to use it with 3 seconds between each warn)
Ammo Buy Binds
> (357 Ammo) bind "<put key here>" "say /buyammo 357"
> (AR Ammo) bind "<put key here>" "say /buyammo ar2"
> (Pistol Ammo) bind "<put key here>" "say /buyammo pistol"
> (Shotgun Ammo) bind "<put key here>" "say /buyammo buckshot"
> (Sniper Ammo) bind "<put key here>" "say /buyammo SniperPenetratedRound"
Useful Command Binds
> (Holster Gun) bind "<put key here>" "say /invholster"
> (Mute Everyone) bind "<put key here>" "voice_enable 0"
> (Unmute Everyone) bind "<put key here>" "voice_enable 1"
> (Kill Bind) bind "<put key here>" "kill"
Dance Binds
> (Thumbs Up) bind "<put key here>" "_darkrp_doanimation 1610"
> (Follow Me) bind "<put key here>" "_darkrp_doanimation 1611"
> (Bow) bind "<put key here>" "_darkrp_doanimation 1612"
> (Non Verbal No) bind "<put key here>" "_darkrp_doanimation 1613"
> (Wave) bind "<put key here>" "_darkrp_doanimation 1615"
> (Lion Pose) bind "<put key here>" "_darkrp_doanimation 1616"
> (Sexy Dance) bind "<put key here>" "_darkrp_doanimation 1617"
> (Laugh) bind "<put key here>" "_darkrp_doanimation 1618"
> (Dance) bind "<put key here>" "_darkrp_doanimation 1642"
List of Unique Keys and Their Bind Names
Any key that has a letter (ex. k) has the "Keybind Name" as that respective letter (ex. bind "k" "say I love AtomicRP!"}
Keybind Name | Number Pad Keys |
kp_end | Keypad 1 |
kp_downarrow | Keypad 2 |
kp_pgdn | Keypad 3 |
kp_leftarrow | Keypad 4 |
kp_5 | Keypad 5 |
kp_rightarrow | Keypad 6 |
kp_home | Keypad 7 |
kp_uparrow | Keypad 8 |
kp_pgup | Keypad 9 |
kp_enter | Keypad Enter |
kp_ins | Keypad 0 |
kp_del | Keypad . |
kp_slash | Keypad / |
kp_multiply | Keypad * |
kp_minus | Keypad - |
kp_plus | Keypad + |
Keybind Name | Navigation Keys |
uparrow | Up Arrow |
downarrow | Down Arrow |
leftarrow | Left Arrow |
rightarrow | Right Arrow |
ins | Insert (Above arrows) |
del | Delete (Above arrows) |
pgdn | Page Down (Above arrows) |
pgup | Page Up (Above arrows) |
home | Home (Above arrows) |
end | End (Above arrows) |
pause | Pause / Break (Above arrows) |
Keybind Name | Mouse Buttons |
mwheeldown | Mouse - Scroll Down |
mwheelup | Mouse - Scroll Up |
mouse1 | Mouse - Left click |
mouse2 | Mouse - Right click |
mouse3 | Mouse - Wheel click |
mouse4 | Mouse - Page Back |
mouse5 | Mouse - Page Forward |
Keybind Name | Special Keys |
f1-12 | F1 to F12 (Top Row) |
escape | "ESC" (Top Left of keyboard) |
tab | Tabulator (Above Capslock) |
capslock | Capslock |
shift | Shift (Below Capslock) |
ctrl | Control (Below Capslock) |
alt | Alt (Left of Spacebar) |
space | Spacebar |
backspace | Backspace (Above Enter) |
enter | Enter |
semicolon | Semicolon (This symbol: ";") |
lwin | Windows Key (Left of Spacebar) |
rwin | Windows Key (Right of Spacebar) |
apps | Menu |
numlock | Numlock |
scrolllock | Scrolllock |
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