Job Auto-Queue

Frank Montana

Active Member
Jun 18, 2021
Pretty self explanatory. Instead of people needing to sit in the f4 menu, spam binds, or buy jobs, being able to simply queue up for a job would be a fantastic alternative. Ofc this will be most popular for professional printer, but besides countering those scumbags who join the job and hold it just to sell it, I think it would be used a surprising amount among other classes. For example, you could use it to ensure you never miss a mayoral election, an opening in your favorite class, and furthermore can get a rough estimate of how long it'll take for that job to open up, presuming you can actually see where you are in the queue.

Let me know what you guys think, have had this idea in my pocket for awhile and kept forgetting to make an actual post. Thanks for the consideration regardless, much love.
-1 Will lead to alts sitting in prof printer q
Perhaps we put a limit on alts? Tis about time some actual rules were written on alting. They already do the same thing with binds and macros, tis not much different. In my opinion, would help actual players be able to rp and just wait for an opening instead of having to spam the job until they get it, typically fighting alts that just sit there spamming the job command. N also this recommendation isn't just for prof printers, if that ends up being a real problem it could be disabled for that class specifically.

Was also thinking about people going afk on the queue/job. Have a different suggestion to help counter that I may make another post for. For high value/low slot jobs, the afk timer could always be enabled even when the server is beneath 120 players. Am sure this is obvious as to why, but I also know it'll make loads of people unhappy. However, it would prevent someone from getting a highly pursued job and holding it for hours while afk.
I don't think its smart. And you dont have to use a TPS to bypass the AFK timer
The problem you're talking about is alting, its certainly relevant but ultimately has nothing to do with the actual concept of the suggestion. The problem you're seeing, do you think you'd see for jobs like mayor, black market dealer, combat medic, etc? Please look a bit deeper for ways to make it work before you throw the whole idea away.
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Suggestion Denied
There isn't a feasible way to make a suggestion like this work with the amount of resources we have at our disposal. Thanks for making a suggestion <3.​