Denied Lucid Feen Staff Application

Lucid Feen

New Member
Apr 2, 2022
Username: Lucid Feen

◈ Your In-Game Name: Lucid Feen

Link to your Public Steam Profile:

Your age (we only accept staff 15 and older with few exceptions): 19

Your Discord (with tag): Lucidfeen

Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP? Yes

Have you ever been warned on AtomicRP? Yes

Please detail all of your warns and bans. It was a mistake RDM I was jumping around swinging the knife and flicked a corner and knifed a dude mistakenly I've learned since.

How much playtime do you have on the server? a day atleast

Have you read up on our rules fully? Yes

Have you read up on the (DRP) Staff Information section of the forums? Yes

Do you have a microphone and use it on a consistent basis? Yes

Do you have any prior experience staffing on other Garry's Mod servers within the past 4 years? No

Have you previously staffed on AtomicRP? No

What is your time zone? CTZ But there really never a time im off my pc

What time of the day (for you) are you usually on? 7am-4am

Why do you want to be a part of the AtomicRP Staff Team? I enjoy helping others and plan to keep helping anyone I can it makes me in a way feel accomplished helping others and making sure they can play the game in peace!

Why should you be accepted onto the AtomicRP Staff Team? id be a great help I'm a great listener never biased to anyone I listen to both parts of the story and if I cant figure out what to do I'll refer to the rules chart and figure it out by myself I don't deal with toxic behavior and strive to better the sever not just for me but for everyone else!

Optional: Include any other information about yourself that you'd like the community and the management team to know about you.

I'm calm collectively I keep a strong mind and always focus on my goals and a few of them are making the sever better any way I can help others enjoy the sever more! a few bad things about me are I sell myself short I never give myself credit when I deserve it I always put others before me and make sure my job is completed to the best of my ability.​


Thank you for your interest in joining the staff of Atomic.

The amount of grammatical and syntactical errors in the application is concerning, especially since you're applying for a position that requires excellent spoken and written communication skills. This also means knowing what letter needs capitalizing and where our commas and apostrophes go. Make sure you end each individual thought with the correct closing punctuation.

How much playtime do you have on the server?
a day atleast
You should post your exact server time. This just shows that you are putting your full effort forth into your application.

What is your time zone?
CTZ But there really never a time im off my pc
CTZ is an unfamiliar timezone to me and probably most others. I'm not sure if your posted this as a mistake or if you are using a lesser-known, abstract timezone.

What time of the day (for you) are you usually on?
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you meant to say 4 PM. Not that I'm saying being available to staff for 21 hours a day is impossible, but unlikely.

Why do you want to be a part of the AtomicRP Staff Team?
I enjoy helping others and plan to keep helping anyone I can it makes me in a way feel accomplished helping others and making sure they can play the game in peace!
While I believe your answer to the question is valid and concise; this is a large run-on sentence.

Why should you be accepted onto the AtomicRP Staff Team?
id be a great help I'm a great listener never biased to anyone I listen to both parts of the story and if I cant figure out what to do I'll refer to the rules chart and figure it out by myself I don't deal with toxic behavior and strive to better the sever not just for me but for everyone else!
The only points I was able to gather from this statement are that you are a good listener, know where to find the rules, and that you are intolerant of bad behavior. I wonder if you could dive a little further into each of these individual points and offer more substance to your answer.

Optional: Include any other information about yourself that you'd like the community and the management team to know about you.
I'm calm collectively I keep a strong mind and always focus on my goals and a few of them are making the sever better any way I can help others enjoy the sever more! a few bad things about me are I sell myself short I never give myself credit when I deserve it I always put others before me and make sure my job is completed to the best of my ability.
I would avoid pointing out your shortcomings in your application. You're supposed to be putting on your best face and displaying your best qualities. You pointed out "a few bad things about me are I sell myself short."— So don't sell yourself short!

Again this is a large run-on sentence. I don't know why this was originally bolded. You want to reserve format changes like that for very special details. Typically you don't want to bold an entire sentence.

Last edited:
-1 Jmoe explained it perfectly
I think you could possibly make some revisions
Application Denied
Thank you for your interest in contributing to our community, you may reapply in 2 Weeks. If you have any further questions/concerns, reach out to a member of the management team on our discord.