Moonie General Suggestion - PM Notification Sounds


May 5, 2022

Suggestion Name PM Notification Sounds

What's Being Added/Removed/Changed Sound or display a specialized notification for Private Messaging

Why It Should Be Added/Removed/Changed Something I have trouble keeping up with and sometimes for others as well is seeing the private messages that are received. They kind of blend in with the rest of the quickly moving chat and it can be easy to miss something.

This would solve the problem by having a notification sound and maybe a specialized color for PMs making them more visible.

I appreciate any comments on the subject offering a better solution and as always I appreciate your precious upvotes :)

Thanks for reading daddy!​

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+1 add it to the settings menu of you chat box and have it disabled by default maybe
+1 Would be a really nice way to get someone’s attention, definitely should have an option to disable it in the chat message settings
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+1 people will actually notice your pm smh

also if it was made to show up the same way it does when you pm through !menu by typing it that would be more convenient.
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Suggestion Noted
Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion, for further questions feel free to reach out on Discord.​