Looking for Players NoM Private Security


Feb 19, 2022
Leaders name: T.Ward

Leaders Discord: https://discord.gg/szJaAGqT

Why Should You Join? You should join us because we are the first private security firm and are thriving to be the best. We pay per job and don’t require you to be full time as we only need employees when we have clients.

How To Join? You can join by joining into our discord listed above and talking to a recruiter or by stopping by our office in-game when we have one set up.

Info About Us: NoM Private Security is a private security firm made to professionally provide security services to our clients. We provide on site security, property check up route, secure storage Services. We also offer different guard services like regular guards, Guards that can track people down, guards that can arrest people from your property. We are also not responsible for what’s inside Clint’s property or what they store in our secure storage.
Invite is broken for me, but I'd like to join. could you give me your discord link thats unexpired? My discord is Lumm#7030 if needed