Accepted Pah Blah tesclabar Refund Request from Jul 13, 2022


New Member
Nov 14, 2021
Username: Soupy_Chicken

In-Game Name ♛ Pah Blah tesclabar

SteamID/SteamID64 Steam ID: 76561198097745154

Discord ChipDip#5523

Date of Item Loss Jul 13, 2022

Time of Item Loss 2:40pm EST

What happened? Bought 6 Sticky Grenades, Inventroied Them for a raid.
then when i pulled them out too Use before the raid, they were bugged like i had no ammo if you get me.

i approached an admin for advice, he agreed it was glitched and said to do this.

What do you need refunded? 600k

Please put any evidence to substantiate your claim here. I showed Parish the admin, how the grenades were bugged as proof when it happened.
he was kind enough too try using them himself and had no luck either.
I can confirm what he says is true, the sticky grenades are not working. when equipped they dont do anything they become useless.
Refund Request Accepted
You have been refunded $600,000
For any further questions regarding your refund request, please contact management at