Denied ɢᴍᴀɴ - Player Report on WholeCream!


New Member
May 17, 2024
Username: ɢᴍᴀɴ

❂ In-Game Name Atomic Sandbox Brazil (GMOD)

Your STEAMID/Link to your STEAM Profile

Your Discord Mike01p#1241

What is the in-game name of the player that you are reporting? WholeCream!

Paste a link to the STEAM profile of the player that you are reporting.

Which rule/rules was this player breaking? Hacking, Aimbotting, Wallhacking, Crashing.

Put any evidence of this player breaking the rules here. Me and my friends were having fun and playing in atomic sandbox brazil on gmod since we are brazillians, But then this guy called "WholeCream!" Was joining the server and my friends were in panic, I asked them "What happened?" In voice chat, But when "WholeCream!" Joined, I knew what that was now.
"WholeCream!" Joined the server, He grabbed a machine gun in the game in a second and started shooting everybody in a matter of seconds, Instant obvious aimbot and wallhacking, Whatever i tried to revive, He killed me instantly in a second, Not even letting me move for a bit.
We tried to kick him out of the server by using votekick, But when we tried that, He crashed the server.
We rejoined the server and he joined too, Doing the exact thing.
We tried to kick him out again and he said "rekt" and later "BYEEE" before crashing the server again.
Sorry if i didn't had proof of video or a screenshot, That happened fast and if i tried to use AMD Record, My GMod would crash saying "not enough memory".
That's all i can say about the situation that happened.

Optional: Any other comments? In his profile, He's at level 35, Which seem impossible for a guy hacking in a sandbox game., And also he declines that he's a bot.
But the weirdest thing is that people in the comments of his profile always saying "RIP" That he died or something.
Update on this: I actually got proof of him doing it.
Also this one:
A video proof, Sorry if my english a little bit bad, It's because i'm from brazil.
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It is a privet drive that we don't have access too. Please fix.
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☢ Appeal Denied ☢
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