Refund Request (I was banned by accident)

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New Member
Aug 11, 2021
In-Game Name: DarkRoast
Steam Name: DarkRoast
SteamID: 76561198328693668
Discord: DarkRoast#1292

Date and time of loss (specify the time zone): I realized I was missing the money on August 9th (PST), but didn't get around to writing this request until now, the 11th.

What happened: I was recently banned by a moderator because they clicked the wrong name, and they unbanned me immediately, of course, because it was a complete accident. The problem is that when I got back on the server, I had $50,000 instead of about $13 MIL. I gained most of my money from selling "perma" guns that I got out of purchased cases. All I'm asking is that I get the in-game cash that I had before the accident. Or maybe a couple cases. Please.

What do you need refunded?: $12-13 MIL In-game cash (or 2 weapon crates)
Evidence: I don't have evidence, but the staff member would vouche for me.
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You currently have 6,543,277 dollars in your wallet, Lying on a refund report isn't exactly the best idea. But if you have some proof to back up your side of the story i'm willing to give you a refund.
I earned around $2 million from playing after this incident, and the rest popped up out of nowhere. I assumed most of this $6MIL was from a perma gun I put on sale in the !unbox marketplace. I'm definitely not lying and only took the time to write this request because I spent USD to get most of my in-game currency, then it was lost at no fault of my own. I have no reason to lie. It just sucks that most of my earnings from playing and buying cases was pissed away into thin air. It's not a huge deal, but if it's possible to have the money added to my account in-game, I'd be grateful.
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