Accepted RoamFunners Refund Request from Jul 26, 2023


New Member
Jul 22, 2023
Username: RoamFunners

In-Game Name ♛ RoamFunners

SteamID/SteamID64 76561198853173229

Discord Prodigyexility#9669

Date of Item Loss Jul 26, 2023

Time of Item Loss 6:42

What happened? I bringing my shelf into somewhere and it deleted since it was next to spawn and fountain an admin told me but it wasnt in any of them yet

What server did you lose your items on? 1

What do you need refunded? 8 emps but money preferred since i prob wont be on this job

Please put any evidence to substantiate your claim here.

Request Accepted

You will be refunded $160,000
Refund Status - Refund Sent

Thanks for making a report. For further questions/inquiries about your report, please reach out to a member of the Management Team on our Discord (