Denied Sal Pinkerton Refund Request from Aug 7, 2023

Sal Pinkerton

New Member
Aug 7, 2023
Username: Sal Pinkerton

In-Game Name ♛ Sal Pinkerton

SteamID/SteamID64 76561198035778883

Discord zeezeebazeezee#4283

Date of Item Loss Aug 7, 2023

Time of Item Loss est

What happened? we were printing in a base which is a printing base that i am in and someone joins the party and comes to my printers and steals them from me and i try taking them back but then i only shot him a couple times not intending to kill him and then he killed me broke my printers or hid it idk and i spent over 400k on printers

What server did you lose your items on? 1

What do you need refunded? printers with vip 2 bronzes and gold and silver all of them or just the price of them

Please put any evidence to substantiate your claim here. dont have any

Request Denied

You need some kind of evidence to prove your claim.

Thanks for making a request. For further questions/inquiries about your report, please reach out to a member of the Management Team on our Discord (