Accepted Swagmaster Staff Application

+1 Good app, is underage but I’ve had pretty good interactions with Kuso, Think he deserves an interview.
+ Good App
+/- Doesn't Meet Age Requirement, But then we have many staff who are under 15, so a chance would only be fair for Kuso to prove his maturity.
Accepted for Interview
Reach out to Divine on discord (! Mr.Divine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ#4617) within 3 days to schedule your interview.
Note: Failure to schedule your interview within 3 days will result in your application being denied.
Application Accepted
Reach out to Ya Ming Discord (Ya Ming Gotcha#9941) within 3 days to schedule your training
Note: Failure to schedule your training within 3 days will result in your application being denied