Denied Swigity Staff Application


New Member
Apr 18, 2022
Username: Swigity

◈ Your In-Game Name: Swigity Bambozzini

Link to your Public Steam Profile:

Your age (we only accept staff 15 and older with few exceptions): 23

Your Discord (with tag): Swigity#4042

Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP? Yes

Have you ever been warned on AtomicRP? Yes

Please detail all of your warns and bans. 1 Warn for RDM
I Killed a hitman (WildRose) who I thought was shooting at me but he wasn't

How much playtime do you have on the server? 1M 5D

Have you read up on our rules fully? Yes

Have you read up on the (DRP) Staff Information section of the forums? Yes

Do you have a microphone and use it on a consistent basis? Yes

Do you have any prior experience staffing on other Garry's Mod servers within the past 4 years? No

Have you previously staffed on AtomicRP? No

What is your time zone? PST

What time of the day (for you) are you usually on? anywhere from 3pm to 5am

Why do you want to be a part of the AtomicRP Staff Team? Well I play the sever A lot and learned the rules and I feel like I could really help the atomic staff by joining them and even some of the load of staffing

Why should you be accepted onto the AtomicRP Staff Team? Well I've never been staff before on any sever read the Rules A lot for atomic and I've often helped lots of new players by getting them started in the game And I hope I can be of help to more people on the staff team

Optional: Include any other information about yourself that you'd like the community and the management team to know about you. I've been playing for a long time I know most of the staff and most of the staff knows that I'm good with the rules (that's why I use the "Rule Karen" title)
-/+ not much reason on why you should be on staff but i have interacted with you and ur really nice and for some reason u have evrey single rule almost memorized i do belive that he should have an interview
Thanks But I Honestly didn't know what to put that didn't sound like useless rambling if there's any questions you want answered just let me know but there isn't much to say about me personally I'm kinda just "Bland Nice Guy" but if you know what I should add about my self just let me know
+1 There isn't a whole lot of effort on the big questions, but Swigity is a great guy in-game and has only a single warning with his entire month of playtime.
+1 not much on the big questions, but I've known Swigity a while, he's a good person and I think would make a great addition to the staff team
-1 Not enough effort in the app to +1, the 2 big questions are just too short and lack detail but I’ve had good interactions with Swigity and he knows the rules well.
-1 as much as i like swig he is a awesome player and he helps alot this app just needs some more effort i feel if you do an edit you for sure deserve a chance at a interview
Application Denied
Thank you for your interest in contributing to our community, you may reapply in 2 Weeks. If you have any further questions/concerns, reach out to a member of the management team on our discord.