voidzz Rule Suggestion - WeaponCheck KOS


Active Member
May 4, 2022

Suggestion Type: Change to the Rules

What is getting changed?: WeaponCheck KOS

Where does this need to be changed?: In rules

Why is this a good change?: Although weapon check is essentially "harmless" in nature that it doesn't injure anyone, it gives cops the ability to AOS someone who is nonlicensed. With being weapon checked, it essentially leaves the player defenseless to an incoming arrest, which can result in a lot of gray areas for self defense. I believe we should make it so Weapon Checking is kosable, especially given the new permanent law that unlicensed weapons are AOS.
-1 i disagree with this, i feel as if you have an illegal weapon its kos, but that gives a gray area aswell, it just doesnt seem right considering a check does nothing if you dont have an illegal weapon.
+1 It should be clarified in rules doing a weaponcheck makes you kos to the player you weapon checked or party members of the player you weapon checked.
Suggestion Denied
Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion, for further questions feel free to reach out on Discord.​