Denied Ball Stealer - Player Report on snoozie.zzz

Ball Stealer

Active Member
Jun 10, 2022
Username: Ball Stealer

❂ In-Game Name Ball Stealer

Your STEAMID/Link to your STEAM Profile

Your Discord Ball_Stealer_

What is the in-game name of the player that you are reporting? snoozie.zzz

Paste a link to the STEAM profile of the player that you are reporting. idfk mf disconnected

Which rule/rules was this player breaking? FailRP during a raid (Disconnected after getting raided / )

Put any evidence of this player breaking the rules here. EVIDENCE

This was at around 11:30-11:40 pm on friday
sorry my mic is incredibly poor in this clip for some reason

Optional: Any other comments?
Report Accepted
Due to the evidence provided
Thanks for making an Report. For further Question's/inquires about your appeal, please reach out to a member of the Management Team on our Discord (​
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