Denied cuminmyassdaddy Refund Request from May 23, 2022


May 22, 2022
Username: cuminmyassdaddy

In-Game Name ♛ cuminmyassdaddy

SteamID/SteamID64 76561199182657924

Discord HitKidsNotJuuls#3622

Date of Item Loss May 23, 2022

Time of Item Loss cant say specific somewhere around night time 11 or 12

What happened? there were a bunch of rdm cops trying to get in base with no warrant and durring this we lost almost 2.5 million in stuff and after they were warned they came back and then someone raided us during an admin sit and the admin did jackshit about it

What do you need refunded? guns money vapes

Please put any evidence to substantiate your claim here. the people have warnings
While I remember your username, I do not remember the situation specifically, are you sure it wasn't another admin? could you add more details to the event to jog my memory?
cuh we got raided by swat with no warrant and me and my friend were pissed YOU ONLY WARNED THE FUCKERS they stood and camped us for 30 min straight And then came back right after there warn