Accepted DesiredRep - Player Report on fx


Admin on AtomicRP
Oct 29, 2022
Username: DesiredRep

❂ In-Game Name DesiredRep

Your STEAMID/Link to your STEAM Profile

Your Discord DesiredRep#9143

What is the in-game name of the player that you are reporting? fx

Paste a link to the STEAM profile of the player that you are reporting.

Which rule/rules was this player breaking? RDA

Put any evidence of this player breaking the rules here.

Optional: Any other comments?
Report Accepted
Based on what I can see from the above clip, there were default laws at the time (do not attack except in self-defense, do not steal, etc). You had no weapon out and no weapon check noise was audible. The reason as well for the arrest seems to be because 'you were a thief' (or at least what I can hear based on the clip and what he is saying to you during the arrest).
Since you did not commit any crime that would warrant an arrest, besides seemingly being a thief, this would be considered RDA (Class III) based on being arrested for no valid reason (see enforcement guidelines below). The player will be warned/jailed accordingly.
Thanks for making a report. For further questions/inquiries about your report, please reach out to a member of the Management Team on our Discord (
