Fisherman Job

Jinx Evil

Active Member
Jul 21, 2021
Job Title: Fisherman

Job Salary: $50

Job Limit: 5

Category Affiliation: Citizen

Job Description: Catch different types of fish, try getting the big game!

Adds Permanent Law to law boards (if applicable):

Job Rules: Can only fish in the ocean/beach area

Job Purpose: Catch fish

Weapons/Tools: Fisherman pole

Model (Workshop link with size of model):

Link To Addon (if applicable): I don't think there is one :/

Reason for this suggestion, would add more to do in the water area's of the map and spread some players out plus could be fun just to fish and other things... maybe different type of baits can catch different types of fish etc. Thought about this randomly so let me know what you all think!
Suggestion Noted
Especially with the SWEP, I bet this is something that Glorified could definitely look into in the future.
Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion, for further questions feel free to reach out on Discord.​