New Professional Printer Job


Mar 4, 2022
Job Title: Atomic Printer

Job Salary: 15 more than Professional printer

Job Limit: 10

Category Affiliation: Criminal

Job Description: A better professional printer that only VIP+ or Supporter rank can access

Adds Permanent Law to law boards (if applicable):

Job Rules: Same as professional printer

Job Purpose: Print tons of money and look cool doing it

Weapons/Tools: Same as professional printer, but also some sort of handgun. Obviously, The Atomic Printers' printers are 1.75x faster and more profitable (or 2x for simplicity) than the Professional printer

Model (Workshop link with size of model):

Link To Addon (if applicable):
-1 This is exactly how having VIP+ and above works. There's no need for a job for this.
I seem to have forgotten that supporter punters are already more effective than pro printers... thanks for looking at this though
Suggestion Denied
The less P2W our donator jobs can be the better.
Thanks for making a suggestion <3​