Patrick Bateman Job

Ricky Ricotta

Active Member
Job Title: Patrick Bateman
Job Salary:$100
Job Limit: 1
Category Affiliation: Supporter
Job Description: Patrick Bateman is a wealthy and materialistic yuppie and Wall Street investment banker who leads a secret life as a serial killer.
Adds Permanent Law to law boards (if applicable): no
Job Rules: Build a base for Printers and Kidnaped people. After 5 Minutes or the Kidnaped refuses to pay the 10K you can kill them. Can not kidnap the same person for 10 minutes. essentially same as Kidnapper but shorter time/Less money from People you Kidnap.
Job Purpose: you can "Lure" people back to your base with talk of Business and Huey Lewis and the News, then when the time is right Kill them or let them go for Money.
Weapons/Tools: Raging Bull, Household Hunting Axe, Bonk Stick, Handcuffs.
Model (Workshop link with size of model): Size: 11.625 MB Link to PM:
Link To Addon (if applicable):
+1, but 25k instead of 10k, probably swap to an SMG instead of the raging bull (Btw the Raging bull is really bad) and MAYBE if it fits the role, a stun gun (Like the pd have with the same common restrictions like no tasing for no reason, and they can kill you after you tase them)
Suggestion Denied
While the model is super cool, this job isn't distinguished enough from a normal Atomic Thief to justify adding it.
Thanks for making a suggestion <3​