Accepted fives Refund Request from Jun 25, 2022


Jun 25, 2022
Username: fives

In-Game Name ♛ fives

SteamID/SteamID64 76561198173462357

Discord hendo#0747

Date of Item Loss Jun 25, 2022

Time of Item Loss approx 3:20 AM AEST

What happened? Somone failraided our base by following one of our members in through unlocked doors and did not start from the first door, they entered our base and killed everyone and destroyed our printers. I lost 2 fully upgraded oneprints ($520,000)

What do you need refunded? 2 Oneprints fully upgraded for $520,000 in total

Please put any evidence to substantiate your claim here.
ALSO last time i checked the printers i had 180k in each and given the time between that and the failraid i had about 190k in each printer (380k) that i would like refunded aswell,
Refund Request Accepted
You will be refunded 477,000. Please contact a Smod+ ingame to receive this.
For any further questions regarding your refund request, please contact management at