Denied Gang Salary Refund

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Aug 17, 2023
I spent 10 million on the gang salary expecting to make more money off of it eventually. I even asked in chat before i purchased it if it was taxed by the mayor. No one responded so i purchased it and it does nothing. I purchased a good/service and recieved nothing. I would like to have my money back please.
if I am correct the gang salary is based off of the flags captured, it is not taxed by the mayor whatsoever, and we would not refund for this instant
if I am correct the gang salary is based off of the flags captured, it is not taxed by the mayor whatsoever, and we would not refund for
No it says you get +$75 to your salary and it does not work. There are other instances of this being a known glitch yet it still is an option to buy if you dont know.
Request Denied
<We only refund in the case of a rule being broken against you or a server crash failing to refund you.
Thanks for making a request. For further questions/inquiries about your report, please reach out to a member of the Management Team on our Discord (
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So me grinding for money then spending money on a service and said service does NOTHING and you all KNOW it does NOTHING and fail to make that service known to do NOTHING. I am supposed to just be fine with that? Thats fucking stupid. Disable that feature so others dont get fucked over like I did. I spent enough money to make a whole other gang and yet im supposed to just deal with it?
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