Denied Gunny McGunnerson Refund Request from Jun 6, 2022

Gunny McGunnerson

New Member
Jun 6, 2022
Username: Gunny McGunnerson

In-Game Name ♛ Gunny McGunnerson

SteamID/SteamID64 76561198821032091

Discord FinePointSharpie#5522

Date of Item Loss Jun 6, 2022

Time of Item Loss Approximately 1 30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

What happened? Someone glitched through the wall and didn't advert the raid. There wasn't enough proof at the time but I believe he was also had hacks as he appeared to glitch through the wall to raid and didn't advert. He received a 2 week ban under a ticket by Jiggs who I was basing with and can confirm details. This was not the first fail RP by this guy towards us and he used words that would be considered hate speech but I don't have a recording or anything.

What do you need refunded? I had a vip, vip+, and a supporter printer as well as a couple golds and silvers that were all running for about 30-45 mins fully upgraded. I would estimate there would have been nearly a million in the printer but the math could be done. I didn't purchase the printers myself but while I'm making this ticket and everything and the sit earlier I've lost out on a lot relative to where I am in the game.

Please put any evidence to substantiate your claim here.