jaydenpoyser4 Job Suggestion - Explosive engineer


Not a t mod
Mar 21, 2022

Job Name Explosive engineer

Job Salary 100

Job Limit 4

Job Group Criminals

Would this job need special rules? Yes

Please describe the new rules we'd need to add. Can only assist CANT raid alone and can set up printers

Job Purpose Can temporarily destroy doors

Job Weapons/Tools Smg,grenade and placeable explosive placeable explosive has bigger effect

Workshop Model https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=309689958

Misc. Info Has 75 health 120 shield and is vulnerable while putting and explosive down also has to buy explosives from f4 menu and has cool down on another purchase also can’t holster any explosives
-/+ Good idea, though EMP sadly makes it useless, and it would need some major tweaks from your suggested items/misc info
I was thinking of ether making this a terrorist class or that which I kinda liked better tbh but I will put up my terrorist one later
I mean both tbh cause it would be a surprise like all you hear is *beep beep beep* then an explosion also it has cool down on buying and explosive types depending on which one it will cost more
Well I think it would be more balanced if it only worked on normal doors because it would make emps irrelevant
Suggestion Denied
Clientside performance determents from explosives being commonly used in a raid setting would be really bad.
Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion, for further questions feel free to reach out on Discord.​