Job Idea : Sewer King

Poppy Baby

Mod On Atomic DarkRP
Nov 28, 2021
Job Title: Sewer King

Job Salary: 100 dollars

Job Limit: 1

Category Affiliation: Supporter

Job Description: you are king of the sewer, lead the sewer dwellers in raids and kill ANYONE in the sewers. can advert terror every 5mins and use his RPG to blow up anyone in the sewer (you are KOS in the sewers)-- (can not terror during raid)

Job Rules:
RAID [ YES only in the sewers.]
MUG [ yes ]
KIDNAP [yes]
kill everyone in the sewers

Job Purpose: to kill everyone in the sewers. pretty much terror in the sewers

RPG (disable pick up and pocking it.) (like C4)

Spaz 12


unarrest baton

hook swep (instead of the knife)

keypad cracker


Model (Workshop link with size of model): Red Teletubbie
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Reactions: Beta
Imagine they open there blind for one second and that rpg fires inside. Boom its all over
+1 We need king brozzer to lead us to heaven and banish bussy surface dweller from our realm so we can fart in peace. Gun choice though may be questionable
Sewer Dwellers are not inately teamed and can kill eachother, would this proposed idea change this and make them a gang?