Accepted nopulse Refund Request from Jun 26, 2022


Mar 24, 2022
Username: nopulse

In-Game Name ♛ nopulse

SteamID/SteamID64 76561198335193788

Discord nopulse#7849

Date of Item Loss Jun 26, 2022

Time of Item Loss All of the printers

What happened? This guy put all of my printers into the rack he had took the money in it then just fucking leaves.

What do you need refunded? They money from the printers which was around 300k

Please put any evidence to substantiate your claim here.
Refund Request Accepted
After closely looking at the clip you will be refunded $229,789. Contact a SMOD+ ingame for the refund.
For further questions/inquiries about your request, please reach out to a member of the Management Team on our Discord (