Denied Pr1smo Staff Application


Mar 20, 2022
Username: Pr1smo

◈ Your In-Game Name: Pr1smo

Link to your Public Steam Profile:

Your age (we only accept staff 15 and older with few exceptions): 30

Your Discord (with tag): Pr1sm0#9033

Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP? Yes

Have you ever been warned on AtomicRP? No

How much playtime do you have on the server? 2d9h

Have you read up on our rules fully? Yes

Have you read up on the (DRP) Staff Information section of the forums? Yes

Do you have a microphone and use it on a consistent basis? Yes

Do you have any prior experience staffing on other Garry's Mod servers within the past 4 years? Yes

Please detail your tenure at these other servers, include the following...
> Time on the Staff Team
> Rank (If applicable)
> Contacts from Community (If you have any)
I have owned my own server, have been admin on BYB servers. Years of experience actually modding different servers here and there. Was promoted to super admin on BYB as well.

Have you previously staffed on AtomicRP? No

What is your time zone? PST

What time of the day (for you) are you usually on? 5:30pm - 11:30pm Weekdays, 11:am - 12pm Weekends. Those are just availabilities. As far as when I'm on, depends on real life engagements.

Why do you want to be a part of the AtomicRP Staff Team? Well with my knowledge of other being a mod on other servers I believe I could be an asset, especially with Atomic openeing up a 3rd server. I was able to successfully run a server for a good while; have knowledge of commands. I know your rule breaking ettiquete and how to approach a situation (while being 100% non-bias). With the opening of the new server, it seems like you need good mods to help control the chaos that is a darkrp server.

Why should you be accepted onto the AtomicRP Staff Team? I've always enjoyed mediating, lets say, feuds. Getting down to the bottom of a an issue is enjoyable for me (as I am a claims adjuster in real life). I have a lot of experience being an admin/mod elsewhere and feel I can benefit the staff in a positive and calm manner.

Optional: Include any other information about yourself that you'd like the community and the management team to know about you. With my experience and age has come a level of maturity and calmness needed to sort out issues arising from the chaos of a darkrp server. I believe I could be a great asset to the team and would definitely show my worth during the trial stages. As no good friends of mine play garrysmod, I would be able to approach issues with no bias. That being said, im a quick learner of server rules, anything I don't grasp from the beginning will be easy for me to accept and comply with. Since I started playing this server I have enjoyed how easy it is to go into an admin sit, how well they're able to clarify rules, and how easy it is to come to an amicable agreement. Respect is the name of their game and they'll give it to those who will listen and I really like that aspect.
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Appreciate the positives. If there's anything I can expand on, please let me know and I'll do my best.
+1 Decent application with solid previous experience staffing though you should put more effort in the two big questions for a better chance at interview.
+1 pretty solid app, prior experience in almost every way, from being an owner, to being a mod, and a admin. hes also older, which would most likely indicate hes more mature.
+1 pretty solid app, prior experience in almost every way, from being an owner, to being a mod, and a admin. hes also older, which would most likely indicate hes more mature. (Regret stole mine)
Accepted for Interview
Reach out to (KingChris#0009) on Discord to schedule an interview.
Note: Failure to schedule your interview within the next 3 days will result in your application being denied.
Application Denied
Thank you for your interest in contributing to our community, you may reapply in 2 Weeks. If you have any further questions/concerns, reach out to a member of the management team on our discord.