Denied TheMatsku Refund Request from Jun 22, 2022


Jun 21, 2022
Username: TheMatsku

In-Game Name ♛ TheMatsku

SteamID/SteamID64 76561198069550561

Discord matsku#9999

Date of Item Loss Jun 22, 2022

Time of Item Loss UTC +3 maybe 06:30?

What happened? I created a coinflip for 125k I think, then I typed !darkrp4 without knowing what it does and I got immediately connected to another server and my flip just disappeared. I can't see the flip in my history

What do you need refunded? 125k

Please put any evidence to substantiate your claim here. flip history < this was my last flip before the incident
you would of had to click on the yes button to transfer you over to darkrp4 when you did that command
it does not auto transfer you to the server as soon as you type the command
it asked me to open a website, nothing else. Of course I wouldnt've pressed connect to any other server since I had a base and coinflip and everything.