Accepted TheMatsku Refund Request from Jun 25, 2022


Jun 21, 2022
Username: TheMatsku

In-Game Name ♛ TheMatsku

SteamID/SteamID64 76561198069550561

Discord matsku#9999

Date of Item Loss Jun 25, 2022

Time of Item Loss 13:44 utc +3

What happened? New post with video evidence since i doubt it will be seen anymore, happened to me again and its the 6th time now. The glitch happened on the last trash.

context from last post:
I was dropping recycled trash on the recycling atm and it just disappeared. I'm assuming it clipped through the floor, and this was not the first time. Maybe happened like 5 times to me in the span of 60'ish dropped trashes. Not a huge deal but it's just a waste of time losing money because of a glitch. Lost like 200k$ to this bug. pls fix

What do you need refunded? 240k

Please put any evidence to substantiate your claim here.