Update to Zero's Methlab 2/Add Zero's Yeastbeast.


Active Member
Sep 16, 2021
Zero's Methlab 2

Job Title: Master Drug Maker

Job Salary: 30

Job Limit: 2/3

Category Affiliation: Criminal

Job Description: Make and sell drugs. Remember to never get high on your own supply

Adds Permanent Law to law boards (if applicable): None

Job Rules: Can base, can't raid, can't mug, can't kidnap

Job Purpose: Make moonshine and sell it to either players or npcs

Weapons/Tools: None

Model (Workshop link with size of model): I think it's included

Link To Addon (if applicable): https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/zero-s-methlab2-drug-script

Note: This adds 6 new drugs

Yeastbeast Job

Job Title: Moonshine Distiller

Job Salary: 30

Job Limit: 2/3

Category Affiliation: Criminal

Job Description: Make and sell moonshine. Remember to never get drunk on your own supply

Adds Permanent Law to law boards (if applicable): None

Job Rules: Can base, can't raid, can't mug, can't kidnap

Job Purpose: Make moonshine and sell it to either players or npcs

Weapons/Tools: None

Model (Workshop link with size of model): I think it's included

Link To Addon (if applicable): https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/zero-s-yeastbeast-alcohol-script
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+10, I've played it on tha different server. It looks cool, but I don't think Mr. Noob will add the yeastbeast job, if yes Mr. Noob have to replace trashman to yeastbeast. And the Methlab 2 it looks cool but I don't think Mr. Noob gonna change it

Edit: Maybe the max job is 5
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Suggestion Noted
Zero's Methlab 2 is a very nice addon, and it is on our radar for things that we would consider adding to the server.​