Waiting For Interview VoidSharppoint242 Staff Application


May 21, 2022
Username: VoidSharppoint242

◈ Your In-Game Name: VoidSharppoint

Link to your Public Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/VoidSharppoint/

Your Age: 16

Your Discord Tag: VoidSharppoint242

Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP? Yes

Have you ever been warned or banned on any Atomic Networks servers? Yes

Please detail all of your warns and bans. MRDM (class V) jeyhockey51 27/09/22 This is a old ban and I only did only massed cause I wanted to stop playing for a long while and well I mean I did stop for a long while and I do apologize for doing this.

MRDM (class V) Potompatomp 15/10.22 Again this one is a old one and well kind of the same reason as before I also apologize for doing this and I'm sorry and I will never do this again or at least not on purpose.

RDM (class III) Martin Looter King 27/04/24 so uhhhh I thought that Bullets was messing around because I was in a base but the party was full, so Bullets kept killing me, so I killed him once and then he made a ticket about it and well i got a warn so i apologize don't feel like this warn is fully my fault but still sorry.

How much playtime do you have on the server? 1M 4W

Have you read up on our rules fully? Yes

Have you read up on the (DRP) Staff Information section of the forums? Yes

Do you have a microphone and use it on a consistent basis? Yes

Do you have any prior experience staffing on other Garry's Mod servers within the past 4 years? No

Have you previously staffed on AtomicRP? No

What is your time zone? EST

What time of the day (for you) are you usually on? around the night/mid-day sometimes I can play in the morning but on the weekends, I can be on for most of the day if I leave its because I had to do something or go somewhere

Why do you want to be a part of the AtomicRP Staff Team? Cause I've been told several times I would be a good staff member and I want to help the community and the players out and I like to answer small questions that player's ask frequently. I have read and acknowledge the rules, and I respect them. There are many staff applications and that I'm just one of many but I'm hoping that I can become staff to help everyone in the community and to help other's I know. Anyone can change and become better, and I want to be one of those people I've tried to make some friends in the server and I'm hoping I have with some if not then I'm sorry I know that some people can find me annoying and again I'm sorry about that I will change to be a better staff member. The staff team could always use more help at certain times, and I think I would be amazing help to them. I may have been blacklisted and I'm sorry for it, but I'll explain a little later why i got blacklisted so pls don't try to make me sound bad for it pls. If you think I wouldn't be a good staff member than I accept it, I only accept it because I wouldn't argue back noir would I question the reason why. All I can do is hope that I help as staff I wish the best of luck to everyone reading this, I know some may not like me some do, and I hope that they won't hate me forever and grow to at least deal with me.
Why should you be accepted onto the AtomicRP Staff Team? I should be accepted into the atomic staff team because I would be great help, also cause the atomic staff team could also use more players to help out. I strongly believe I would be a good staff and I say good cause I know I wouldn't be perfect no one can be, but I can be good great and even fantastic. I should be a part of the staff team because I would respect other's and acknowledge my higher up's I wouldn't show any attitude towards them. All I can do is hope that I become staff but I know and I've been told by many other's that I have trusted for a long time that I would make a great staff member.

Optional: Include any other information about yourself that you'd like the community and the management team to know about you. Well, I would like to say a little bit about me nothing personal or anything so I play on a laptop so I can't really run 2 games my internet is kind of bad it's not terrible it still works fine just it can be dookie sometimes I strongly hope and believe i could become a staff and i hope to become one to help I've been playing this server I'm just going to say for about 3 Ish maybe 2 I tried to link my account on the discord but the bot no like me. Also sorry to anyone who doesn't like me or finds me annoying I can change to be a better person I didn't mean to be annoying and I'm sorry about it I hope that no one holds a grudge against me well I mean it is too late for that but still I hope that no one else holds a grudge against me. The blacklist that happened wasn't about anything bad I was talking about something bad, and I didn't realize it and I apologize about it this happened before I decided to sit down and read the rules for a while and again I'm sorry about what I didn't leak anyone's info and my intention was not to be threatening I would like to say that what I said was about a friend that has had there info leaked many times and that I felt terrible that happened to them so I've been trying to help her out so again sorry for that I would have rather had my info leaked than there's and I never want any harm done on anyone. Some small things I do in my life I do Karate on Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 to 8:00 times are different but that's the normal time I collect marbles I know a weird thing to do but really, it's more normal than what some others have oh and I play ps4 but I got no ps+ :( so kind of can't do much i like playing slim rancher and more games like that also while writing this I was FORCED to listen to the whole history of Greek mythology so I'm being tortured last thing I like to do for fun is play Vr I'm not saying what games that I would normally play. That's all I have to say about myself bye bye also pls consider me I know some players may not like me but I'm not a bad player ALSO pls don't slander my name with fake thing's if you say what I've done wrong pls say when or to who pls and thank you. Still looking?
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-1 Got blacklisted for leaking player security I think :unsure:
Also very vague application and not up to my standard, His whole reason he wants to be staff was because someone him told he would be good on staff.
Entire application glazing himself on how well he would do LOL. I don't see any valid reason on why you SHOULD be staff.
+/- havnt interacted too much but i do know hes afk alot as a gun dealer so idk how i feel with the afk ness
+1 really nice guy i believe he has potential. somewhat on the goofy side but i think he can make it as a staff member
Void, I did not forget the time last week or so when you went up to people's bases, calling sits when they advert warn & kill you, demanding they get warned.

Taking pride in trolling.
Threatening me with a staff report & everything.

If you make staff. We don’t punish people who are getting witch-hunted, forced to advert warn. We also don’t witch-hunt players.

Keep that in mind.
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Void, I did not forget the time last week or so when you were body blocking doors & calling sits when they advert warn, demanding they get warned.

Taking pride in trolling.
Threatening me with a staff report & everything.

If you make staff. We don’t punish people who are getting witch-hunted, forced to advert warn. We also don’t witch-hunt players.

Keep that in mind.
huh? when was this?
-1 got blacklisted for compromising player security. (got unblacklisted but isn't fit for staff after something like that)
-1 got blacklisted for compromising player security. (got unblacklisted but isn't fit for staff after something like that)
so, you didn't read no one's info got leaked so again deal with me getting blacklisted for an hour so have other staff member's in the past
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+1 Good person in game. And fellow gang member.