whydatroll22 Refund Request from Feb 6, 2022


Jan 23, 2022
Username: whydatroll22

In-Game Name ♛ whydatroll22

SteamID/SteamID64 76561199008347572

Discord the bread baker#4820

Date of Item Loss Feb 6, 2022

Time of Item Loss Around 8:20 ish EST

What happened? I was killing a kid that kept breaking NLR yelling "yOu DonT HAvA GuN lIcenCE" can he kept comign back and back, Killed him twice, He tried to arrest a friend of mine in my party for no reason right Infront of me, we ran off to get away, he comes to us, kills me, looks at my friend and kills him including another bystander

What do you need refunded? Mingun, Barret, and a vsp

Please put any evidence to substantiate your claim here. I don't have any evidence besides "I miss the rage" handling the sit and sadly not being able to refund such big items out of pocket.
Refund Request Accepted

Refund Amount: $260,000

The money has been added to your account <3

Thank you for making a ban appeal, for help getting comped in-game, feel free to reach out to an online GMod Administrator on our Discord (discord.atmc.cc)