

Active Member
May 8, 2021
Job Title: Eggman

Job Salary: $75 Same as Sanic

Job Limit: 1

Category Affiliation: Criminal

Job Description: Sanic's Nemesis

Adds Permanent Law to law boards (if applicable):

Job Rules: Terrorize Sanic

Job Purpose: To give Sanic a reason to exist other than annoy people and go fast.

Weapons/Tools: Unknown. This is the thing I couldn't think of, any suggestions would be nice.

Model (Workshop link with size of model):
1.497 MB

Link To Addon (if applicable):
+1 Like blue/red doritos and mafia/mafioso where theyre kos to each other
Job Title: Eggman

Job Salary: $75 Same as Sanic

Job Limit: 1

Category Affiliation: Criminal

Job Description: Sanic's Nemesis

Adds Permanent Law to law boards (if applicable):

Job Rules: Terrorize Sanic

Job Purpose: To give Sanic a reason to exist other than annoy people and go fast.

Weapons/Tools: Unknown. This is the thing I couldn't think of, any suggestions would be nice.

Model (Workshop link with size of model):
1.497 MB

Link To Addon (if applicable):
Do you have any ideas for SWEPs we could give eggman to keep him from just being another job with a model?