Gang update? (Doritos and Mafia) Thread


Feb 20, 2022
The gangs currently are in an odd spot right now. The gang underlings are simply weaker thieves while the gang bosses are just thieves with an unarrest baton. While I do understand there is a difference between RP jobs and money-making jobs, what do gangs actually do to fill either of these roles? Mugging is near-useless and why be a gang member with printers when you can be a thief? The players who seem to take these jobs are the newest ones who have no experience with the game mode. How can we improve the experience of these jobs to make both veteran and rookie players succeed with them while also having fun?

My first thought is a territories style of play where gangs could use certain areas of the map as their gangs (similar to flags but on a larger scale [residential, slums, industrial, etc.]). This could elicit more gang wars for control of these areas and perhaps players already based in these areas could gain protection so police officers do not want to enter these areas due to the excessive protection of the areas.

Also, perhaps an easier way to gain peashooters (low damage pistols, magnums, and SMGs) could help improve the experience as well so they have a fighting chance to mug players and participate in raids without raiding tools.

What do you guys think? Please share your thoughts on these jobs : )
Not too bad of an idea, and could be interesting. Only concern I have is that what would be the point of controlling an area of town? (For RP of course, but what else?)
Suggestion Noted
There could be some pretty cool things done with the Gangs on AtomicRP.
Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion, for further questions feel free to reach out on Discord.​