Genetic Researcher Job Role


Active Member
Dec 27, 2020
Job Title: Genetic Researcher

Job Salary: 50$

Job Limit: 2

Category Affiliation: Normal/Citizens

Job Description: Genetic Researcher is able to make viruses and cures including quarantine zones, they can make boosts and sell them but can also make viruses and infect people, you must collect DNA from people to make viruses/cures/boosts.

Job Rules: Can only 1 quarantine zone, can put a virus on someone every 10 minutes (due to the virus being able to spread), cant do criminal activities instead of infecting people.

Job Purpose: Must disinfect/infect people on the server and make a quarantine zone to try to disinfect the people on the server, or infect people and spread chaos.

Weapons/Tools: Injector (part of the addon):

Model (Workshop link with size of model):

Link To Addon (if applicable):

Note to DRP Senior Staff that can edit the map: Remember to place virus hot spots as the server I was in had none.
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+1 this seems very neat, would be pretty cool to play as and this could add some more opportunities for those that like to play the medic job.
+1 It seems neats although I don't have any experience with this plugin I think it could be a fun addition