Denied Got Scammed for 20 Million (Via CC)

Oblivion Guard

New Member
Jun 12, 2022
Hi everyone,

Recently I bought the CC Shared Spot from somebody for 20 million. We had an agreement to do it until July 1st. Sadly, the player scammed me 6d later and blocked me + removed me from the cc. So I got scammed for 20 million. As A14 States:
Scamming is Not Allowed
Scamming is when a player engages in a deceptive act to coerce another player into an exchange for nothing or something miniscule in return.

Though after making a ticket and hearing many different opinions from mods, i decided to pm Wilkers about it. He states that it is not scamming and that they cannot do anything about it. He refers to A11. Which states: Agreements between players outside of 1st party AtomicRP addons for in game money, items, entities, etc. are Non Enforceable (Staff won't intervene)
Though it seems quite obvious that this was actually within the AtomicRP Addons seeing as that the Custom Class is an addon from AtomicRP also giving the player the option to add somebody on the class via shared system.

Now after many arguments I just stop talking to Wilkers because everything he said started to just show how corrupt the Custom Class actually is. I asked: Your telling me I can buy CC now and scam people? He says: Yes. Now this was a big shocker, because it's basically pay and you get to scam and ruin everybody's life. So now there's 2 rules stating you cannot scam. But still im left without nothing and -20 mil in the pocket (In Game ofcourse). Me as a supporter and 7d in the server this is quite schocking.

So what i'm gonna want is either:
1. A Refund from the player (I will considered the situation resolved)
2. The player does not refund me but receives either a heavy warning or a temporarily ban

It's not too much to ask is it? After getting scammed for 20 million?

Anyways, thanks for the time.

Oblivion Guard
Refund Denied
A11. Agreements between players outside of 1st party AtomicRP addons for in game money, items, entities, etc. are Non Enforceable (Staff won't intervene)
you will not be refunded

for further questions reach out to management