Gun Dealer Can't Print?!!!!???? (pranks gone wrong)

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Active Member
Nov 18, 2021
Hey guys,

I think this prank that noob is pulling on us merchers is a little too far. I will not stand for the oppression of the the gun dealer class






Please let gun dealer print again

This has been my jarold talk

+1 I agree, the job has no meaning anymore, it's simply impossible to actually make money unless you mark up the price a lot, can there also be an alternate model like something from TF2 or CS or something because nobody likes walking around and talking with the Grigori model with no other choise. xoxo
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+1ish, If gun dealer was maybe buffed to counter-act his de-buff I'd had put a -1; However, without printers the gun dealer is a hard class to make money as (Without being buffed), and the Black market dealer is overall a better choice in any circumstance (Since he can print and has more high quality guns)
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Gun dealer isn’t a Criminal job, so why would it have printers? If you want to sell their guns that bad, self supply and then put them in the douche bag or BMD vender shelves.
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Gun dealer isn’t a Criminal job, so why would it have printers? If you want to sell their guns that bad, self supply and then put them in the douche bag or BMD vender shelves.
You're right it shouldn't; however, it is outclassed easily by other money making jobs and another easily obtainable job that does the same thing (BMD). Another thing is, You just listed a problem in your reasoning, the Gun dealer is so outclassed that it'd be better to just swap to a BMD or Douche bag! The Gun dealer doesn't make enough money compared to it's competition and overall makes it a bad class to play as. Even though I agree that it doesn't need printers, more than definitely, it needs a buff.
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+1 gun dealer has had printers before, and a while ago, i made a suggestion to add "can print" to the gun dealer's job description, and it was added.
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Gun dealer is not really a money-making class so idrk what the problem is since it's more like an RP class that happens to sell goods that everyone will want. If you wanna make money and love playing gun dealer, then just commit to it 🙄
+1 Even though its a "citizens" job section.. a bodyguard and a bank guard can print money and you cant?
plus it will give better incentive for gun dealers to base + play role well. And of course worth raiding.
Could make lower gun markups for new players and give incentive to make nicer gun dealer bases. Its a fun class with some cool weapons , but it is basically unplayable for profit. Plus there would be less people throwing up shitty shelves right outside of spawn and blocking everything. Actual shop bases like the bmd bases would be a thing and those are cooler and have better rp.
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