Lmao mans removed it i made it to help your sad sad server

Jay officer

Jun 15, 2021
So I'm saying this as a More or so an unfortunately experienced player of this so-called "Server" This is not a place you will want to spend your time in Gmod on or in fact at all you will be abused within the first 30 minutes of your playthrough I am also saying this as a player with no warns or bans so if that helps you get a better understanding of where I'm coming from then there you go this is not the place you want to be the staff are brutally horrible at there jobs I understand some of them may be new staff on duty but that does not excuse the fact that they all have biased opinions of the rules about the server which should not be allowed and well if it is sorry to break it to you pal but you have an unstable server and continuing like this is going to send this server down a never-ending spiral of toxicity that is not needed and you know it yourself. Fix and rewrite the rules, Check and overview your inexperienced admins make them understand the actions that have to be done and said when a player has made a decision that is clearly against the rules nothing gets stood down from players who are actually trying to help you get shut down more than the people who are actually making the place worse. These players push the rules to the extent as much as they can they do it right in front of the staff and they don't even see it they'll just nic and nac the rules over and over in the tiniest ways they can and push the admins as much as they can without having any verbal punishment being made and they get away with it every time, Maybe rethink of where you actually want the server to end up being in a couple of years rather than thinking of the present and if your going to be thinking about the present instead think of what is genuinely going to make it a fun and enjoyable place for everyone. You need to take into account how peoples actions are going to make others feel there not just an emotionless being across the computer they are living breathing humans who you are affecting I know for a fact these people who talk all this shit think vividly about everything they said right after they turn off their pc then go on to continue it the next time they're on and somehow find it enjoyable. This is clearly a Power forced server from everyone that I've seen the goal is to be on top in a horrible way not even competitive just sick the way they feel they have to advance through the game by giving everyone the absolute worse time they possibly can. Hope this helps anyone considering spending time on this Litterall Sewer water of a server. Cheers Jay.
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Never noticed this being an issue. Make a player report and If you feel you were being treated unfairly by staff, make a staff report. The only issue I've had was when tickets take a bit of time but most of the time thats because there isn't staff online.
Well I mean there are different times that staff are online, and most of the time there is mainly two staff on and the rest are either rping or offline. SO you do got to take in consideration that there is usually around 100+ players on and only two staff on duty so it will most likely take awhile for them to respond. Especially if your ticket only says "ADMIN TO ME" or even "ADMIN" we will take your ticket last. So if you specify what your ticket is about, you will most likely be one of the people that get their tickets answered first.

I am not aware about the incident in question that you are bringing up, but we have and will continue to commit to creating a space where players can be comfortable, and if you would like to reach out to me on Discord to talk about that situation further I would love to have a dialogue with you to make it right. The paper trail exists in the form of the warns, which our staff use to decide what the punishment should be for the player in question.
This is where Kate was being sexually harassed in OOC, but their was also a lot of verbal harassment as well. Mods gave only verbal warnings 4 TIMES to ReasonSheWroteMurder. Thorkell got verbal warned after that and still continued to harass her in local text.

After this incident she left both the server and the discord and hasnt shown back up since. She was a nontoxic player we lost because people who broke rules were given a slap on the wrist.
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This is where Kate was being sexually harassed in OOC, but their was also a lot of verbal harassment as well. Mods gave only verbal warnings 4 TIMES to ReasonSheWroteMurder. Thorkell got verbal warned after that and still continued to harass her in local text.

After this incident she left both the server and the discord and hasnt shown back up since. She was a nontoxic player we lost because people who broke rules were given a slap on the wrist.
I just read through this entire comment thread and I'm inclined to agree, I've never seen it personally but this obviously speaks for itself. You should make Sexual harassment or Racism a First offense PermaBan. Nobody should ever only be verbally warned for this kind of harassment.
View attachment 241

This is where Kate was being sexually harassed in OOC, but their was also a lot of verbal harassment as well. Mods gave only verbal warnings 4 TIMES to ReasonSheWroteMurder. Thorkell got verbal warned after that and still continued to harass her in local text.

After this incident she left both the server and the discord and hasnt shown back up since. She was a nontoxic player we lost because people who broke rules were given a slap on the wrist.

Hey i remember Kate i believe. When i was staff she was in a sit with me i am really disappointed that it has come to this since i thought the server had improved since last time my own Girlfriend was Sexually harassed after i gave the person a Verbal warning i banned him but it might have come over Bias you know... She was my gf.

Anyhow i wanted to warn Kate about this kind of stuff in that sit but i thought the server had improved. I just wanted to express how disappointed i am that this happened
Then why are you making the assumption that we treat certain people certain ways? We have systems in place to combat bias and to combat favoritism that are strictly enforced with no leniency. Staff aren't allowed to take tickets for other staff, if a player believes a staff member has a conflict of interest, they can always ask for another staff member and get into another ticket w/o that staff.
and to add on this, if you believe the staff are being biased, start recording your gameplay. You don't even have to record, just clip stuff. If you see something happening such as a staff member letting another staff member off the hook, record/clip it and post it on the forums. While I understand you're just an average player on this server, if you really want change (and not just a platform to complain), then incite the change you want to see in the server.