Denied My Staff Application

not xozy

Moderator | DarkRP Blanket Staff Team
DarkRP Staff Member
Feb 25, 2021
Your In-Game Name:

Koratic (RP Name: Not xozy)

Steam Name:


Link to your Public Steam Profile: :

Your age (we only accept staff 15 and older):

15 close to 16

Your discord name/tag:


Is your discord name the same as your In-Game Name on AtomicRP?


Have you ever been warned/kicked/banned on any Atomic Networks Servers? If yes, what for?

Ive never had any of that happen although i was close to being warned at one point

How much playtime do you have on the server? (1 day minimum playtime, 1 week in the community)

I have around 36 hours give or take a few hours

Have you read up on our rules fully?

Most of them yes i skipped past things i have read in the past

Have you read up on the (DRP) Staff Information section of the Forums?

Yes, I Have

Do you have a microphone and use it on a consistent basis?

Yes, i do

Do you have any prior experience staffing on other Garry's Mod servers? (Please go into detail if the answer is Yes)

No I have not

Have you received any recommendations to apply for staff from current AtomicRP Staff Members? (If so list them below)

I have been recommended by someone although i have since forgot their name

Why do you want to be a part of the staff team?

To try out being part of a gmod staff team and because I do like the server other than that i think it would be fun.

Why should you be accepted onto the staff team?

I could be used to help reason with some players and/or be used to watch for anything wrong on the server (aka. mrdms, tickets, other things that needed checked constantly.

Additional information:

I do think i need some sort of training and getting used to the warn / command system in the server other than that i just hope for a fun time on the server.
As one would say Corsair Strongly Disagrees with this Application for that reasons that follow :

Application is very short / lack luster
2. Not enough effort to be a staff
3. Not known in the community

That is all i have to say, Best of luck!
1. I dont know what is missing what else should i say?
2. There is no way you can know if i have enough effort to be a staff if i had not been staff.
3. Im very much known in the community just because two people dont know me does not mean the community doesnt know me.
  • Sad
Reactions: Unknown
I'm gonna need to give a minus for 2 reasons. Your staff application was indeed short, and while reading it nothing showed me that you had compassion to become a staff member. It looked more like you had pretty much just rushed to do your application. I may be wrong, and you may have put alot of compassion and effort into your app, but I do not see it. Having effort to staff means that even if you aren't staff, you could help us with those that break the rules. It also will show promise and a keen watch. For example, if you see someone exploiting, report it immediately to a staff member, and if none are online, take picture or video proof and put it into the player report tab on the discord community server. Another thing, I've rarely seen you while going around the map and it only seems like 3 or 4 people actually know you, most just see you as another player with a name. I understand you want to prove your worth as a member of the staff team, and i know that you have not been staff before, but maybe some more time on the server and getting to know other players better would help you out. continue to play on the server, know the other players, and show them that it would be a good thing if you became staff, and they'll end up recommending you to us.

The app was way to short plus i have never seen you around before, please put more effort into the app and try again once you get more known as well.
I have not seen you on the server as much as you should be if you were to be staff. I feel like I saw you maybe once or twice and never again, On top of that your application was pretty short. Would have been better if you spent more time on the questions in the Application. Can't say much more besides that.
Best Of Luck!
Ive seen you a couple times in the server, try to be well known in the community
I dont have enough info on you to give you a rating but good luck

I have a handful of reasons for giving this downvote.

1. Your application lacks substance and it does not show a fair bit of effort.
2. I don't have a clue who you are. I don't believe I've ever seen you on the server personally, let alone had an experience with you.
3. The reasons as to why you should be accepted onto the staff team that you gave are what is expected by default of every staff member. Come up with something more and put more thought into it.
4. As to why you want to be a staff member, it is perfectly fine to want to be a staff member because you like the server, however, that does not mean that you would still be a good fit for the staff team. Give us something more to go off of.

Regardless, I hope to see you remake an application once you become more well known in the community (sitting in a base and doing nothing won't do that for you). Additionally, take some time to write up another time while you are waiting your two week period so that you may put a lot of effort into it. Best of luck to you.