Party Attack Armor Drain


Active Member
Nov 12, 2021
It has been at my attention for quite a time that when you are partied with an individual or persons, and your party has friendly fire disabled thereby preventing member to member damage, armor is still drained by 1hp on attack. For example, if I knife a party member, it will do one armor damage. This is a very cumbersome issue as armor vapes are an expensive item and should be kept in your inventory (storage) at all times except use (the meta). The previous being a secondary issue, the major problem is that damage is done in the first place while friendly fire is disabled (to my knowledge only armor damage can be done, and the health will not be drained when armor is empty). Crossfire among party members is something that can happen and does happen and as thus there is an inherent combat disadvantage. I hope this can be addressed/fixed. Thank you for reading
Suggestion Noted
This would be a nice thing to fix when Glorified gets around to the new party system.
Thanks for making a suggestion <3​