Denied Slink Staff Application

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today I adverted in chat about my base so people would join my party and you just had to start an argument about it, you constantly tell me to kms each time you see me you legit could not be more unfit for the staff team
I will not argue this here, but you start arguments everyday. Thanks for your response.
+1 everyone deserves a second chance, also a lot of the mods voting -1 talk about you being immature, the hypocrisy is insane.

Since this application is obviously getting denied, try to avoid some hateful comments and u will prolly get it next time.
-1 I'd love to give you another chance but you need to build your reputation a bit as your recent actions have sunken them rock bottom. Good luck
It would appear as though @Slink has a very tumultuous relationship with the Atomic Community, I also am a person who believes in second chances Just like @soryuu. I think that just also preciously stated, it would appear that Stain did not take criticism well with his application. I think that that is the only genuine issue in this application. Coming from someone who uses what I consider to be fun "25$ words" in my statements and sentences a lot, I do not feel as though he had used an AI model to type his application, and if it was used, he definitely made altercations to the output after receiving it. I do feel as though he should at least be given a chance, and if any concern is felt then that he just be watched on his sits. IDK just food for thought.
I am torn on this application.
I saw when it was first posted and was initially going to give it a +1. I have been thinking on it mainly because of the immaturity I have seen from you Jay. I don’t think immaturity is inherently a bad thing since you are younger, it is almost expected to a certain degree.
You have a lot of friends on the staff team and I have not staffed along side you so perhaps it is different, however I have based with you a few times and seen the worst side of you then and now.
You’re viewed negatively in the community and would make the staff team look poorly if you were to be accepted into it due to your previous actions. There is a reputation even if it is already severely tainted (and that’s just the truth).

I think you are more than capable. I think you can change the way people see you. Divisiveness is not a strong quality for an application. If you were accepted back onto the team I would assume you would be on VERY thin ice. You are generally fine to deal with or be around until you get toxic.

+\- I would like to see change before I believe in it. I will not change my vote this application round.​

You’ve had your past immature altercations with multiple people on the server but I do believe in second chances and improvement. Although you may not be fit to be on the staff team right now. Continue building yourself, being more mature, and improving yourself, and then consider reapplying. Have a good day!
Application Denied
Based on your application, we have decided to not continue with the interview process. Your behavior in game over the last few weeks is unfitting for a staff member. Your peers also seem to believe you are not ready to become staff again.
We appreciate your interest in staffing. You may reapply for an Atomic Networks Staff Position in 2 weeks.
Please contact management on Discord for any further questions.

We recommend consulting the Enforcement Guidelines if you are interested in applying again.
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